Maa ambey institute

MAI - College Rules & Regulations


  • Students need to be punctual for theory classes and clinical practice according to the schedule given by the institution.
  • College timings are 10:00 AM to 04.00 PM. The timings may change according to clinical postings. The change will be intimated timely.
  • Students have to submit all assignments exactly on specied dates except in genuine unavoidable circumstances with prior permission.
  • No re-examination will be conducted for those who fail in the sessional examinations.
  • Re-examination of the sessional examinations will be conducted for the students who are absent due to sickness which is supported by authentic Medical Certicates or students who are absent because of some serious problems/ needs at home, which requires their presence. This decision will be made by the college authority.
  • 80% attendance of the total number of theory classes taken.
  • 80% attendance in the clinical experience hours in the clinical subjects (20% of the clinical experience hours must be compensated before commencement of the next academic year).
  • (As per the Indian Nursing Council regulations, 100% of the clinical experience hours have to be completed before starting the classes for the next higher class. The degree will not be granted unless and until 100% clinical experience hours are compensated during the stipulated period).
  • Students are not allowed to use mobile in the college premises, during the class hours or during the clinical experience hours. If found, the mobile will be conscated.
  • Students must maintain discipline in the classroom and in the college premises so as to ensure a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for learning in the college

  • Students are not allowed to paste notices within the Institution and are forbidden to communicate with any outside authority directly. All such communications must be submitted through the Principal who will forward these if considered desirable. Any students infringing this rule will be suspended.
  • Strictly forbidden in any part of institution are:
  • The possession or use of alcoholic beverages,
  • The possession or use of addictive drugs.
  • Gambling.
  • The possession or use of rearms or any lethal weapons.
  • Loitering around unnecessarily.
  • Use of mobile phone during duty/class hours.
  • Ragging of any student is prohibited and may result in rustication or expulsion from the Institute. “Ragging is any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness to any student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which cause or likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”
  • All fees must be paid in full by the dates notied time to time. Any student, whose fees, together with the ne imposed, remains unpaid, will be suspended from attending lectures, practical, clinics etc. until the fees/ dues have been paid.
  • All neglect of duties, breach of rules and acts of indiscipline are to be brought to the notice of the Principal. The Principal in consultation with the senior staff members shall deal with any serious offence for which adverse entry in the personal le of the student may be made.
  • The decision of the Principal in all disputes would be nal and binding on to the students.
  • All the students are instructed to be physically present for the night attendance. In case of medical reasons concerned student or roommate/friend(s) has to inform the Hostel in-charge/caretaker and which should be veried by the hostel in-charge.
  • Illness must be reported to the hostel in-charge timely and she should bring the matter to Principal’s/Class coordinator’s notice at the earliest.
  • Students are not permitted to take food in their rooms. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be taken in the mess/dining room only.
  • The college authorities should not receive any complaints from anyone including Hostel management/other residents on this matter like wastage of food leading to uncleanliness in the hostel premises which may attract ies/monkeys. If the college authority receives any complaint on the above said matter this privilege will be withdrawn without any further notice.
  • Students should stick on to the mess timings in order to avoid inconvenience to the mess workers and other hostel inmates.


8:00AM - 9:00AM
1:00PM - 2:00PM
5:00PM - 5:30PM
8:00PM - 9:00PM
  • The entire students should remain in their own rooms after 11.00 PM. No student is permitted to roam around in the corridor after 11.00 PM. However the students are permitted to use common room only for group study purpose at any time without causing disturbance to other inmates.
  • Students are instructed to switch off the lights and fans before leaving the room. No electric stoves, room heaters or other electric appliances of electric consumption will be allowed in the hostel.
  • Students themselves are responsible for their personal belongings. Neither hostel in-charge nor the college authorities will be responsible if anything is lost.
  • Students are instructed to keep hostel room and its premises neat and clean.
  • They are not permitted to write, paste or hang anything on the hostel walls or doors. Principal or hostel in-charge will conduct timely inspection and if anyone is found to be guilty they will be punished.
  • Students should handle all the hostel equipments carefully. If anything is found to be damaged or missed the same has to be replaced by the students themselves.
  • Students are permitted to watch TV up to 10.00 PM on all days without causing any sort of disturbance to others.
  • All students should reach class/college/clinical duty 5 minutes before.
  • Students are not permitted to use mobile phone in hostel corridor as it may cause inconvenience/disturbance to other inmates. However all are permitted to use mobile phone in their own rooms with parent’s permission (in written and a copy of the same should be submitted to the college authorities).
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the college or hospital premises.
  • Students are permitted to go home only on scheduled holidays (which have been intimated to the students).
  • Any emergency condition will be considered and permission will be granted by the Principal after conferring the matter with the respective class coordinators.
  • No student will be allowed to go out of hostel without prior information to the hostel warden/ class coordinator/in-charge along with Principal under any circumstances. (A written consent/undertaking from parent/guardian is to be submitted for the same)
  • When going home during scheduled holidays/vacations students are permitted to go alone after providing a written consent/undertaking from parent/guardian.
  • Only those visitors whose photos are attested by the parents in the hostel visitors register will be permitted to meet the students both in hostel and college premises.
  • Visitors will be allowed to meet the students during visiting hours only.
  • Visiting Time (Hostel):
    05:00 PM – 06:00 PM – Monday to Saturday 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM – Sunday
  • Students should not cause any sort of disturbance to other inmates or visitors/ parents during visiting hours.
  • No visitor will be permitted inside the hostel rooms.
  • Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all times. Infringement of the rules will be suitably dealt with.


  • Any person who loses, defaces the book will be required to be charged at the ongoing rate, along with a ne. In case the book is one of a set or series, the cost of the entire set or series will be recovered if the lost/ damaged copy is not available individually.

  • Books/Periodicals required for occasional reference, including encyclopaedias’, rare books and journals are not to be issued.

  • Books borrowed from the library are not transferable.

  • Books will be issued strictly on priority of demand.

  • After having deposited the required security, students are allowed to borrow two books at a time.

  • Students may keep the books up to a maximum of 14 days. After that for each succeeding day that a book is overdrawn a ne will be charged till the book is returned to the library.

  • Every borrower shall be issued a Borrower’s card which will be stamped by the librarian each time a book is issued or returned. If the card is lost, a duplicate can be purchased from the ofce on a payment of Rs. 20/-.

  • The Card placed in the pocket at the end of the book must be delivered to the librarian before the book is taken away.

  • All books must be returned to the library before the annual stock checking in June. Student who fails to return the book (s) will be charged Rs. 5/- per day per book, till the book is returned to the library.

  • Periodicals, Publications and newspapers for the student section of the library are placed on the tables. These must not be taken away under any circumstances. Cutting of items from newspapers/ magazines is also strictly prohibited.

  • The borrower must make his/ her own arrangement for carrying the books to and from the library.

  • All new books and journals will be kept in a separate almirah for a fortnight for comments and suggestions.

  • Current journals will not be issued till the time next issue reaches the library. Up to two journals can be issued to the teaching staff for overnight use.

  • Individual departments are permitted to maintain their departmental libraries of highly technical books of utility mainly to the department concerned.

  • Additional copies of these books will be available in the Institution library. The departmental libraries will be open to all staff members.

  • Bound volumes of journals will be treated as books.

  • Books may be renewed on request at the discretion of the librarian.

  • Library timing is subject to variation depending on the requirements.